I have already made two other attempts to start blogs, but they didn't stick. I seem to be having trouble finding my voice. If you know me well, you would be surprised to hear that. I am quite outspoken around people I feel comfortable around. Yet, here I am, knowing I have a lot to say, but unable to follow through. This is the beginning of a change to all of that.
My passion in life is art. I have no one media, I like them all. Well, except for performance art. Something doesn't sit right with me most of the time. So, after spending a year playing with digital photography, I find myself back in the land of messy art. I love photography, don't get me wrong. I am going to continue working on my skills in that area, as you will see in future posts, but there is something fantastically visceral about painting and drawing and printmaking that really gets my motor running. And I haven't touched a paintbrush in a few years. In fact, when I was reorganizing my supplies, they were covered in this cobwebs. Oh my!
Between an identity crisis when I finally graduated from college at the age of 30 with a degree in something that was interesting, but not my passion and increasing problems with my health and weight, it was all I could do to do the things we all have to do day in and day out. I still struggle. I do everything myself, out of necessity. That gets tough when migraines come calling or my sinuses are out of control. Throw in jobs at two places whose changes/internal struggles pushed me out, forcing me to go on unemployment for the first and second times in my life. My ego has been shattered. Mentally and physically surviving were my main objectives, my weight problem and my creativity were way down on my list of priorities.
So, cut to a couple of weeks ago. I didn't get a job at a place I really was super qualified for. Whether they thought I couldn't handle it because of my weight or my personality didn't necessarily fit in with the other staff in that department, I don't know. It was a blow. Although, I knew more positions were opening up in that system, my ego was crushed. I spent a day in bed, miserable and feeling sorry for myself. I started watching tv and cruising the internet. I was on YouTube and came across
Jennibellie's channel about art journaling. One video let to another and another and another. Before I knew it, I had spent half a day watching her videos and others about art journaling and art, in general. It had been ages since I felt this kind of inspiration!
I started by gathering some of the general detritus of my life (recycling, stored paints and papers, etc.) and started out by doing on a mad gesso-ing spree. I don't have much room in my studio apartment to lay things out to dry, and I didn't have any area cleaned up and organized to paint, so I gessoed (?) on my tv tray and spread each painted item out on every clear surface outside of my kitchen. Then, I did it again. Then, I decided color needed to enter into the equation and I started playing around with paint and stamps and stencils. I was starting to come alive! It felt wonderful. I realized that I was not eating nearly as much or as often as I had been. It is so rare for me to find an activity that makes me forget about eating. I never felt that way about art. I am starting to look at everything in a new light. I have empty blister packages from the multitudes of medication I take daily or just now and then. Wait a minute...I have glitter glue and these are round...I could make sparkly cabochons to decorate the art journals I am preparing to put together! I have found that the wet season in Seattle is not conducive to quick drying times, so that experiment has not born fruit as of yet. Meanwhile, here I am reorganizing my art and craft supplies. The table where my laptop lives will now share space with my art supplies.
I am now excited when a sturdy piece of junk mail comes in or a box frees itself up when I east the last granola bar. Even toilet paper rolls! I always loved the idea of upcycling, but never knew what interesting things could be made out of trash that didn't take much effort at all. Thank you so much Jennibellie! I think you may have saved my life. I particularly like her channel because she is more about doing your own stuff with the materials you have at hand or can afford than the cookie cutter scrapbookers you will find on YouTube in droves. The ones whose stuff looks fine, but not necessarily artistic or original.
I don't find anything wrong with it. It is on par with color by numbers. Some people don't feel very creative, but want to make cute stuff. Sometimes, it is a little creepy and cult-like, especially with Tim Holtz everything and the Cricut. Tim Holtz has some awesome stuff, and the Cricut can do some amazing stuff, but when everything you do is dictated by having a particular die cut or stamp, it stops interesting me. That stuff gets pretty expensive. Plus, at least with the die cuts, they are way too perfect. I go the other way. I like the handmade look, and I am more into making my own, quirky, imperfect materials. They have more natural charm and you save buckets of cash by DIYing. I am not opposed to using other people's designs in my stuff, sometimes I may want a symmetrical, perfectly cut design. I just want the work to be as much my own as possible.
So, here I go. I hope you follow along.