Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The ugliness on the internet

Some time ago, I felt compelled to respond to an ugly comment left on someone else's blog. I know, I know, don't feed the trolls. I just get angered by petty behavior. Today, I notice a response that I am assuming is from the same person due to the venom toward me for my response. If not, it is a person of equal character. So, they decide to turn around and attack me. For some reason this person thought the ugly comments were a positive thing, and that this kind of behavior was justified because we live in a democracy. Then, they decided to do call me names.

It really puzzles me why people think that we are entitled to say anything to anybody because we live in a democratic society. Sure, you have the right to, but should you? Does opening yourself up on the internet really entitle others to criticize you mercilessly? I don't think so. I think human decency trumps the need to belittle others for your enjoyment. And people who are nasty and belittling should be called out.  But where do you draw the line? How do you know if the person is a troll, and is merely making ugly comments all over the place as sport, or is just a person who needs a little scolding? I don't know. Are they the same thing? Possibly. I know I should just ignore all comments because they will only serve as a reminder of how many horrible people are out there furiously hurling insults and conspiracy theories. They are frequent users of the word "sheeple" and are very quick to try to justify their actions behind the shield of democracy. They are the dredges of humanity, and I know their bad behavior does not represent most of human society, but they bring us all down with their nastiness.  Just food for thought.

Kittehs make everything better.

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