Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Getting it together

Since Friday. I have been battling migraines and other misc. ailments, so I have not done much in the line of art. What I have been doing is organizing, bit by bit, from the inside out. It still looks like a tornado blew through my studio apartment, but things are slowly getting organized. I started in my art studio space by going through containers of supplies. I had a few that were nearly empty, which seemed like a waste of space. So, I reorganized the containers. Along the way, I decided it was time I started organizing my paint by color family. I have so much, I would have to reorganize my container every time I used any paint. Unfortunately, I do not have any containers in the proper size, so that is a long term project.

Along with the organization of my art supplies, I have been digitizing my dvd collection. That is a massive undertaking. But I am unemployed, so I have the free time, and I have the space on my back up hard drive, so why not. Last year, I replaced my Mac mini. The new ones no longer come with a DVD-ROM. I have an external one, since the one in my last computer was bad, but it is a pain to go through the whole process of plugging it in and waiting for it to load. I have more digital movies than ones on dvd, so it really makes sense to have them in one place. I love the movies I own hard copies of, but rarely watch them because it is simply easier to just watch something I have on the computer. And I refuse to repurchase movies I spent good money on, when I have the technology to convert them. Legal/shmegal...I am not pirating them and I spent a lot of hard earned money to purchase them, so I should be able to do what I like with them within the confines of my home. After all, I can upload my music cds onto iTunes for ease of use, so why can't I legally do that with my dvd collection? Seems to be a double standard, if you ask me.

Anyway, that is mainly what I have been up to. I have more paper grocery bags than I know what to do with, plus I found some in our garbage room that I couldn't resist taking to use. I spent a lot of time today cutting them open in  order to make journals out of them. Two journals is what I have in mind. I hope to finish them in time for the weekend, so you can look forward to seeing those.

In the meantime, enjoy a couple of pictures I took in my neighborhood.

Graffiti in an alley a few blocks from my apartment building.

The graffiti in context. I love seeing these little treasures out of the corner of my eye when I am walking around. It brightens my day.

Apparently, someone installed an electrified back door. The mind reels. This is the kind of thing that can only be found in the city, lol.

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